Friday, September 24, 2010

Everything is illuminated

And so here we are. According to the moon calendar the summer of love is officially over as from yesterday and the autumn of love has begun. Good, autumn is the most beautiful of 4 seasons, innit? I must admit that things feel good for me recently. I'm not sure how it happens nor how to describe it but everything seems to be falling into its right place, even not the cool stuff or not the nicest things, yes even them, seem to be where they're supposed to be. It's a very nice feeling, it's very calm, it might be called happiness.. Hmm, maybe happiness is like wisdom - the matter of age; when one is old enough one gets realistic view on life and acceptance of that view brings peace. You can quote me.

Yesterday I came to Poland which is a starting point for my road tripping week. Poland is amazing, I'm having great time here.
Come visit Poland, come visit Poland, come visit Poland.
If one could combine Asda Bedminster with Auchan Rumia and 34 Janowo one would get the best super-duper shop in the world, seriously. Today I went to the beach. I lay on a golden sand under the blasting sun and listened to the whisper of the sea. Could it get better? And because it's off season there were no tourists. And then I sat on a bench in a park next to my high school and I realised that sitting on benches is in a way more normal and natural in Poland than it is on the islands. And then I remembered my friend that wished to sit on all the benches of the world at the very same time. Guess what? One day I'm going to get a bench that will represent all the benches and I'm going to dedicate that bench to my friend and then my friend can sit on that bench and the dream will be fulfilled.
Come visit Poland, come visit Poland, come visit Poland. Okay, I paid 20 sterlings for 4 bottles of really amazing alcohol - convinced yet?

But 30 before 30..
The time has almost come. This is probably my last entry in this era. I'm not sure what to do - discard this blog or carry on as anyway I'll be finishing off my list.. Either way I'm in my birthday week atm. It's an awesome week - road trip across Europe followed by road trip to Devon followed by paint wars and weekend with friends and other dear to me people. Clearly, I haven't done 30 things as yet and even with 4 that are to come during the birthday week I'm going to be only half way through. But fear not, I'll do the list and another list, and yet another and I'm going to live the life of magic and awesome, and I will grow old while living that life but that life is going to be filled with adventures, amusement and the meaning of life. Insha'Allah.
So here it is to happy days, to days to come.

Last thing that I would like to mention is the fact that I did finish a pretty good high school and I did finish a rather good uni and please don't let my uneducated face or rough manners fool you in any way.
(I only wrote that as I was constantly, throughout the day, being given leaflets encouraging me to go back to school and to finish it or maybe even to get some A levels.)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The summer of love

I had wonderful time since I returned from Poland. After few days at work a new week begun with a perspective of a very decent amount of nicely lined up days off. Together with one of my best friends we've decided to have a summer camp in town time. Every day we would meet up in the morning and venture on a trip in search of an adventure, we would then return to town and spend the evening on more intellectual or social activities with other kids (those that were busy at work when the sun was shining). So we decided and so we executed.
It was awesome. We cycled miles, we climbed metres and we walked kilometres. I saw so many beautiful places (in the neighbourhood of town), I participated in many activities and I truly enjoyed myself.

And all in all I have two more ticks to the list.
a) I played golf
b) I swam in an English river

ad. a) Playing golf turned out to be really cool even though I wasted so much energy on hitting the ground and ripping the grass. And I did not loose my ball!
I may not be a female Tiger Woods but I don't care, that was fun. I got a total of 160, mean of 8.89, median of 8 and mode of 8. It was my first time and I'm proud of it.

ad. b) On the river Avon, about half way between Bath and Bristol, we've found a nice spot for a swim. It took tricking one swan and one cygnet to get into the water over there (as it appeared that swans are very protective of their territory) but eventually we got into the water. The water was cold but I had a really enjoyable swim in a gentle current, under a hot, English, September sun (sic! sic! sic!). Pure pleasure..

And I think I've just managed to accomplish 10 ticks on my list.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Never to forget!

Did I want to see the Queen live? Yes I did. But really, what's the value of HMQE2? I saw two Polish presidents! I saw people that are part of a real history not by being born and bread in any particular family but because they actively changed or are hoping to change the world.
Bronisław Komorowski - president of Poland
Lech Wałęsa - first president elect of the 3rd Republic of Poland
I encountered them in Gdańsk, the incredible city where the WW2 started 71 years ago (exactly today) and where the new solidarity and the new democracy were concieved 30 years ago (exactly yesterday), on a fantastic event commemorating Solidarność and all ideas of freedom (dir. Robert Wilson).,iId,216722,iAId,13103 (photos) (description in Polish)

There were many faces, many memories, the spirit of patriotism, faith and hope for the future.
And I had an honour to sit in a VIP area, not far from the presidents, and the sky was grey and cloudy on that calm, August night.