It was loads of fun oscillating around people having 20 minutes to write a piece containing 3 random words/phrases picked up by the audience. I decided to partake in it. And I got my incredibly awesome 3rd place! And I'm so so so Proud of it. That's my bit (including: Nancy's double bass, Greyhound bus and legs).
Travelling expands horizons. Literally and figuratively. That's why it's awesome. That's what I've been hearing throughout my life again and again and again.
My friend Anna did America in 1999- old good times. This is one of her stories.
No matter how introvert you are and how much you dislike random people after travelling for ten hours on a Greyhound bus you run out of options.
Starring through the window - ticked,
Sleeping - ticked,
Fantasizing - ticked.
Anna had to start talking to a fellow passenger.
- Hey..!
- Hey, I'm Anna.
- I'm Nancy. Where do you come from?
- I'm from Poland. Po-land.
- Yeah... Cool.
- That's...
- Oh, I know! Let me think. Poland, Poland, Poland... Pol-and, Pole-end, Pole-end. Of course - it's at the end of the North Pole.
And so it went. They talked and talked. Killing the time, talking about families, movies they've seen, hobbies. Anna talked about her fourteen hamsters, Nancy talked about her double bass.
After three hours of talking they arrived to L.A. After three hours of talking they really liked each other and Anna really wanted to see Nancy's double bass. But when Nancy asked:
- Do you want to stay at mine overnight? I could show you some really cool places that not many people have seen..
Anna answered:
- No. I have my hostel booked. Maybe we meet later?
And that's the worst story Anna has ever told me. And why did she say no? Because she didn't shave her legs for a week.
It's not an awesome story, is it?
My friend Anna did America in 1999- old good times. This is one of her stories.
No matter how introvert you are and how much you dislike random people after travelling for ten hours on a Greyhound bus you run out of options.
Starring through the window - ticked,
Sleeping - ticked,
Fantasizing - ticked.
Anna had to start talking to a fellow passenger.
- Hey..!
- Hey, I'm Anna.
- I'm Nancy. Where do you come from?
- I'm from Poland. Po-land.
- Yeah... Cool.
- That's...
- Oh, I know! Let me think. Poland, Poland, Poland... Pol-and, Pole-end, Pole-end. Of course - it's at the end of the North Pole.
And so it went. They talked and talked. Killing the time, talking about families, movies they've seen, hobbies. Anna talked about her fourteen hamsters, Nancy talked about her double bass.
After three hours of talking they arrived to L.A. After three hours of talking they really liked each other and Anna really wanted to see Nancy's double bass. But when Nancy asked:
- Do you want to stay at mine overnight? I could show you some really cool places that not many people have seen..
Anna answered:
- No. I have my hostel booked. Maybe we meet later?
And that's the worst story Anna has ever told me. And why did she say no? Because she didn't shave her legs for a week.
It's not an awesome story, is it?
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